
Laravel Tips and Tricks 2022

In this article, we will learn about laravel Tips and tricks what are the new things announced for the laravel in 2022, I hope you will lot of useful information after reading the entire post.

Before moving forward let’s know what laravel is

Laravel is an open-source PHP framework, which is robust and straightforward to understand. It is used for building a wide range of custom web applications. It supports a model-view-controller design pattern.

If you are old to laravel then you know that laravel has some great features like dependency injection, queues, and scheduled jobs, and expressive database abstraction layer, unit, and integration testing, and many more. 

We will read about the below features in this blog post

  1. How to install laravel older version
  2. Simple Pagination
  3. How to send notification to anyone
  4. Use @auth in blade file
  5. Check the view file exists
  6. Create migration without underscore _ symbol
  7. No timestamp columns
  8. Soft-deletes: multiple restore
  9. Change Default Timestamp Fields
  10. Column name change

How to install laravel older version

If you want to use the older Laravel version instead of the newest Laravel, You can do this by running this command:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel project "7.*"

Simple Pagination

In pagination, if you need just “Previous/next” links instead of all the page numbers (and have fewer DB queries because of that), You can do this easily by changing paginate() to simplePaginate():

// Instead of 
$products = Product::paginate(8);

// Now you can do this
$products = Product::simplePaginate(8);

How to send notification to anyone

You can send Laravel Notifications not only to a specific user with $user->notify(), but also to anyone you want, via Notification::route(), with so-called “on-demand” notifications:

Notification::route('mail', '')
        ->route('test', '123456')
        ->route('slack', '')
        ->notify(new InvoicePaid($invoice));

use @auth in blade file

Instead of an if-statement to check logged-in users, You can use the @auth directive in your blade file.

    // The user is authenticated.
    // The user is not authenticated.

Check the view file exist

You can check if the View file exists before actually loading it.

if (view()->exists('admin.dashboard')) {
 // Load the view

You can even load an array of views, and only the first existing will be loaded.

return view()->first(['admin.dashboard', 'dashboard'], $data);

Create migration without underscore _ symbol

When you are running a make:migration command, you don’t necessarily have to write underscore _ symbol between parts, like create_users_table.

// with underscore _ symbol
php artisan make:migration create_users_table

You can enter the name into quotes and then utilize spaces instead of underscores.

// without underscore _ symbol
php artisan make:migration "create users table"

No timestamp columns

If your DB table doesn’t contain timestamp fields created_at and updated_at, you can specify that Eloquent model wouldn’t use them, with $timestamps = false property.

class Company extends Model
    public $timestamps = false;

Soft-deletes: multiple restore

When using soft-deletes, you can restore multiple rows in one sentence.

Post::onlyTrashed()->where('author_id', 1)->restore();

Change Default Timestamp Fields

class Role extends Model
    const CREATED_AT = 'create_time';
    const UPDATED_AT = 'update_time';

Column Name Change

$users = DB::table('users')->select('name', 'email as user_email')->get();

I hope you learn a lot from this blog, keep sharing this post with your friends and rate me 5, I believe in sharing is caring.

Shaiv Roy

Hy Myself shaiv roy, I am a passionate blogger and love to share ideas among people, I am having good experience with laravel, vue js, react, flutter and doing website and app development work from last 7 years.

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