Make you web browser editable

Well, it’s quite interesting to doing stuff like this and I really like to do these types of experiments. Okay if you want to do things like that just follow the below steps.
Step – 1
All you need is a chrome web browser if you don’t have the chrome you can install by clicking on the link download chrome.
Step – 2
Open any website or you can edit this blog post too.
Step – 3
Open your console, you can open your console by pressing F12 present on the top of your keyboard, or by doing a right-click and then click on inspect.
Step – 4
When the inspect open there are multiple tabs like element, console, sources etc. You have to click on the console and put the following code into it.
document.body.contentEditable = true
That’s it, now enjoy editing the web pages, still having confusion feel free to comment.