
How to Update Laravel 11 to Laravel 12

If you’re running a Laravel 11 application and excited about the new features in Laravel 12, you’re in the right place! Upgrading Laravel may sound complicated, but with the right steps, it becomes a smooth process. In this guide (Update Laravel 11 to Laravel 12), we’ll walk you through updating Laravel 11 to Laravel 12, ensuring that your application remains stable and secure.

Step 1: Backup Your Project

Before making any updates, it’s essential to back up your entire Laravel project, including:

  • Database: Export your database to avoid data loss.
  • Files & Codebase: Copy your project files to a safe location or use version control (Git).

This ensures that if anything goes wrong, you can easily restore your project.

Step 2: Update Your Composer Dependencies

Laravel uses Composer to manage dependencies. Start by updating Composer to the latest version by running:

composer self-update

Then, update your composer.json file to require Laravel 12:

"require": {
    "laravel/framework": "^12.0"

Now, run the following command to update dependencies:

composer update

This will fetch the latest Laravel 12 package and update other dependencies accordingly.

Step 3: Check for Deprecated Methods and Breaking Changes

Laravel updates often come with some breaking changes. After upgrading, carefully review:

  • Laravel’s official upgrade guide for Laravel 12.
  • Your application code, especially custom service providers, middleware, and models.

If any functions or methods are deprecated, update them as per Laravel 12 documentation.

Step 4: Update Configuration Files

Laravel updates may introduce new configurations. To ensure your application is properly configured:

  1. Compare your config files with the latest ones in a fresh Laravel 12 installation.
  2. If new configuration keys are introduced, add them to your existing config files.
  3. Run:
php artisan config:clear
php artisan cache:clear

Step 5: Update Database Migrations and Seeds

If Laravel 12 introduces database structure changes, make sure your migrations are updated:

php artisan migrate

For fresh database seeding, run:

php artisan db:seed

Step 6: Test Your Application

After updating, test everything carefully:

  • Run unit and feature tests:
php artisan test

Check routes, authentication, and API endpoints. Monitor logs using:

tail -f storage/logs/laravel.log

If you encounter errors, debug them using Laravel’s error handling tools and update the affected parts of your code.

Step 7: Deploy Your Updated Laravel 12 Application

Once everything is working fine, deploy your updated Laravel 12 application by:

  • Pushing changes to your Git repository.
  • Updating your server and running composer update again.
  • Restarting queues and clearing caches:
php artisan queue:restart
php artisan view:clear
php artisan route:clear

Upgrading Laravel 11 to Laravel 12 may require some effort, but following these steps will ensure a smooth transition. Always back up your data, test thoroughly, and stay updated with Laravel’s latest documentation.

If you need expert help with Laravel development or maintenance, CodeHunger is a great place to explore professional services. Stay ahead with the latest Laravel advancements and keep your applications running efficiently.

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