How to clear cache using URL in Laravel

In this article we will Learn about how to clear cache using URL,I will show you how you can clear route:cache, config:cache, view:cache using URL.
This method is very helpful when you are using shared hosting, at that time going to the terminal and clearing cache from there is a very time taking process, so I will guide you on how you clear cache using URL in laravel.
To clear the cache using the URL go to your routes/web.php and add the below code into it.
Route::get('clear-cache', function() {
return "Cache is cleared...";

to run the above command go to your browser address tab and enter your domain-name/clear-cache.
The above command will clear cache,view,route and config.
If you want’s to clear all your cache in one command then use the below command in your terminal
php artisan optimize:clear
To clear composer run the below command
composer dump-autoload
To clear Route Run the below command
php artisan route:clear
To clear route cache, Run the below command
php artisan route:cache
To clear config cache, Run the below command
php artisan config:cache
To clear config,Run the below command
php artisan config:clear
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I hope you like the above article,still confused feel free to comment.