React Js

React Props Validation

Props are an important mechanism for passing the read-only attributes to React components. The props are usually required to use correctly in the component. If it is not used correctly, the components may not behave as expected. Hence, it is required to use props validation in improving react components.

Props validation is a tool that will help the developers to avoid future bugs and problems. It is a useful way to force the correct usage of your components. It makes your code more readable. React components used special propertyĀ PropTypesĀ that help you to catch bugs by validating data types of values passed through props, although it is not necessary to define components with propTypes. However, if you use propTypes with your components, it helps you to avoid unexpected bugs.

Validating Props

In this example, we are creatingĀ AppĀ component with all theĀ propsĀ that we need.Ā App.propTypesĀ is used for props validation. If some of the props aren’t using the correct type that we assigned, we will get a console warning. After we specify validation patterns, we will setĀ App.defaultProps.

ReactJS Props Validator

1.PropTypes.anyThe props can be of any data type.
2.PropTypes.arrayThe props should be an array.
3.PropTypes.boolThe props should be a boolean.
4.PropTypes.funcThe props should be a function.
5.PropTypes.numberThe props should be a number.
6.PropTypes.objectThe props should be an object.
7.PropTypes.stringThe props should be a string.
8.PropTypes.symbolThe props should be a symbol.
9.PropTypes.instanceOfThe props should be an instance of a particular JavaScript class.
10.PropTypes.isRequiredThe props must be provided.
11.PropTypes.elementThe props must be an element.
12.PropTypes.nodeThe props can render anything: numbers, strings, elements or an array (or fragment) containing these types.
13.PropTypes.oneOf()The props should be one of several types of specific values.
14.PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string,PropTypes.number])The props should be an object that could be one of many types.


Here, we are creating an App component which contains all the props that we need. In this example,Ā App.propTypesĀ is used for props validation. For props validation, you must have to add this line:Ā import PropTypes from ‘prop-types’Ā inĀ App.js file.


import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; 
class App extends React.Component {
   render() {
      return (
            <h3>Array: {this.props.propArray}</h3>
            <h3>Bool: {this.props.propBool ? "True..." : "False..."}</h3>
            <h3>Func: {this.props.propFunc(3)}</h3>
            <h3>Number: {this.props.propNumber}</h3>
            <h3>String: {this.props.propString}</h3>
            <h3>Object: {this.props.propObject.objectName1}</h3>
            <h3>Object: {this.props.propObject.objectName2}</h3>
            <h3>Object: {this.props.propObject.objectName3}</h3>

App.propTypes = {
   propArray: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
   propBool: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
   propFunc: PropTypes.func,
   propNumber: PropTypes.number,
   propString: PropTypes.string,
   propObject: PropTypes.object

App.defaultProps = {
   propArray: [1,2,3,4,5],
   propBool: true,
   propFunc: function(e){return e},
   propNumber: 1,
   propString: "String value...",
   propObject: {
      objectName2: "objectValue2",
      objectName3: "objectValue3"
export default App;

ReactJS Custom Validators

ReactJS allows creating a custom validation function to perform custom validation. The following argument is used to create a custom validation function.

  • props: It should be the first argument in the component.
  • propName: It is the propName that is going to validate.
  • componentName: It is the componentName that are going to validated again.
var Component = React.createClass({  
App.propTypes = {  
   customProp: function(props, propName, componentName) {  
        if (!item.isValid(props[propName])) {  
          return new Error('Validation failed!');  

Shaiv Roy

Hy Myself shaiv roy, I am a passionate blogger and love to share ideas among people, I am having good experience with laravel, vue js, react, flutter and doing website and app development work from last 7 years.

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