ReactJS Overview

ReactJS tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of ReactJS. Currently, it is one of the most popular JavaScript front-end libraries that has a strong foundation and a large community supporting it.
ReactJS is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building reusable UI components. It is an open-source, component-based front end library which is responsible only for the view layer of the application. It was initially developed and maintained by Facebook and was later used in its products like WhatsApp & Instagram.
Our ReactJS tutorial includes all the topics which help to learn ReactJS. These are ReactJS Introduction, ReactJS Features, ReactJS Installation, Pros and Cons of ReactJS, ReactJS JSX, ReactJS Components, ReactJS State, ReactJS Props, ReactJS Forms, ReactJS Events, ReactJS Animation and many more.
Before learning ReactJS in depth, you must have a good knowledge of JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS. The knowledge of ECMAScript 2015 syntax can also be helpful.
We have developed this ReactJS tutorial for beginners and professionals both. We will try to introduce every concept with simple code examples that you can be easily understood. After completing all the sections, you can work confidently with ReactJS.
We assure you that you will not find any problem in our ReactJS tutorial. But, if you find any mistake, you can post send me in contact us section.
React Features
JSX − JSX is JavaScript syntax extension. It isn’t necessary to use JSX in React development, but it is recommended.
Components − React is all about components. You need to think of everything as a component. This will help you maintain the code when working on larger scale projects.
Unidirectional data flow and Flux − React implements one-way data flow which makes it easy to reason about your app. Flux is a pattern that helps keeping your data unidirectional.
License − React is licensed under the Facebook Inc. Documentation is licensed under CC BY 4.0.
React Advantages
Uses virtual DOM which is a JavaScript object. This will improve apps performance, since JavaScript virtual DOM is faster than the regular DOM.
Can be used on client and server side as well as with other frameworks.
Component and data patterns improve readability, which helps to maintain larger apps.
React Limitations
Covers only the view layer of the app, hence you still need to choose other technologies to get a complete tooling set for development.
Uses inline templating and JSX, which might seem awkward to some developers.