Replace a part of the string in PHP

In this blog we will see how we can replace a part of the string, sometimes we have to change some string parts let’s suppose you have string name as free_shipping_title and you want to make it as free_shipping_status.
So we will how we can do this stuff in PHP in a very easy manner. To replace a part of the string we will use the PHP str_replace function.
Defination and usage
The str_replace() function replaces some characters with some other characters in a string.
This function works by the following rules:
- If the string to be searched is an array, it returns an array
- If the string to be searched is an array, find and replace is performed with every array element
- If both find and replace are arrays, and replace has fewer elements than find, an empty string will be used as replace
- If find is an array and replace is a string, the replace string will be used for every find value
Note: This function is case-sensitive. Use the str_ireplace() function to perform a case-insensitive search.
Note: This function is binary-safe.
echo str_replace("title","status","free_shipping_title");
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