Why we use PHP?

PHP is a great option for many reasons, so if you’re interviewing a company throwing around the PHP slag, here are some reasons why the language may be right for you or your project:

Friendly With HTML

Anyone who already has a website and is familiar with HTML can easily make the step to PHP. In fact, PHP and HTML are interchangeable within the page. You can put PHP outside the HTML or inside. While PHP adds new features to your site, the basic appearance is still all created with HTML.

Interactive Features

PHP allows you to interact with your visitors in ways HTML alone can’t. You can use it to design simple email forms or elaborate shopping carts that save past orders and recommend similar products. It can also deliver interactive forms and private messaging systems. 

Easy to Learn

The PHP documentation is the best on the web. Hands down. Every function and method call is documented, and most have tons of examples you can study, along with comments from other users. 

Low Cost and Open Source

PHP is available online absolutely free. It is accepted globally so you can use it on all website development and design tasks.

Works With several Databases

 PHP is flexible for database connectivity. It can connect to several databases the most commonly used is the MySQL.  MySQL can be used for free. If ASP is used, MS-SQL, a Microsoft product must be purchased.

Fast loaded time

PHP results in faster site loading speeds. PHP codes runs much faster than ASP because it runs in its own memory space while ASP uses an overhead server and a COM based architecture.

It Just Works

PHP solves problems easier and faster than almost anything else out there. It is user-friendly, cross-platform and easy to learn.

Shaiv Roy

Hy Myself shaiv roy, I am a passionate blogger and love to share ideas among people, I am having good experience with laravel, vue js, react, flutter and doing website and app development work from last 7 years.

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