
HTML DOM Manipulation with JavaScript


The DOM (Document Object Model) is an interface, where you can access and manipulate the content, structure, and style of a website.

We will have a look at the following topics:

  • What is DOM?
  • How can we manipulate it?

What is the DOM?

When we open a HTML file in our browser, the DOM gets created by the browser, so the DOM is the representation of a HTML document.

HTML elements, e.g. <body></body><p></p>, become so-called nodes. Nodes have relationships to each other and are structured as a tree.

The root of the DOM is called document.
By using JavaScript, the DOM can be accessed and manipulated.

Accessing a Node / HTML element

There are various way to access a single node.


querySelector is a method to input a complete query and get the first occurrence back.

// access the body tag

// access the "button"-class

// access the "footer"-id

As we can see, we can access an element by tag(body), by class(.button) or by id(#footer).


querySelectorAll is a method to input a complete query and get all occurrences back.

// access the "button"-class


getElementById is a method to get a single element with a specific id.


We don’t need # like when using querySelector.


getElementsByClassName is a method to get all elements with a specific class.


We get the elements that has the class button.
We don’t need . like when using querySelector.

Like we can see in the method name, Elements is plural, therefore we get a collection of HTML elements back, not a single element, even if it is empty.


getElementsByTagName is a method to get all elements with a specific HTML tag.


We get the elements that has the HTML tag p.

Like we can see in the method name, Elements is plural, therefore we get a collection of HTML elements back, not a single element, even if it is empty.

What do I use?

I use querySelector and querySelectorAll, because both can be used with tag, class and id.
I don’t want to change multiple lines when I change an id into a class.

There is a lot of legacy and transpiled code, therefore you should know how to use all the other methods, too.

More complex queries

// a tag with a class
// <body class="main">

// a class as a child in a tag
document.querySelector("body > .text"); 
// <body><p class="text">...</p></body>

// a class anywhere in a tag
document.querySelector("body .text"); 
// <body><section><p class="text">...</p></section></body>

// a parent

// all children

// first child

// last child

// previous sibling

// next sibling
Manipulating elements in the DOM
// change text content of a node
document.querySelector(".text").textContent = "Hello";

// change HTML content
document.querySelector(".text").innerHTML = "<p>Hello</p>";

// change source of an image
document.querySelector(".logo").src = "cat.jpeg";
Creating new elements in the DOM
// create a new element and store it into a variable
const newParagraph = document.createElement("p");

// add text to the newly created paragraph
newParagraph.textContent = "Hello";

// find container where the new paragraph should live in
const container = document.querySelector("body");

// add new paragraph to container
Adding an Event Listener to the DOM
<!-- a simple button -->
<button class="my-cool-button">
  Click Me
// find the button in the DOM by using the class
const myButton = document.querySelector(".my-cool-button");

// add a listener to the button, that waits for a "click" event,
// then run the following function
myButton.addEventListener("click", function() {

Also read

How to Convert Object to String in Javascript?

We hope it will helpful to you.

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