Function in C

A function is nothing but a group of statement that works together to perform a task.
Types of function
- User-defined function
- Pre-defined function
User-Defined Function
A function that is defined by the user know as the user-defined function.
Below code shows the example of user-defined function
void main() {
int a=3, b=3;
// here void sum is user-defined function
void sum(int a, int b) {
printf("sum of no is :%d",(a+b));
sum (a,b); //function call
// output
// sum of no is :6
Pre-Defined Function
A function which is defined our header file of the code or we can say that function which is already known there work, for example, printf() and scanf() is defined in <stdio.h>
Below is the example of Pre-Defined of function
// main is the pre-defined function
void main() {
int a=3, b=3;
// here void sum is user-defined function
void sum(int a, int b) {
// printf is the pre-defined function
printf("sum of no is :%d",(a+b));
sum (a,b); //function call
// output
// sum of no is :6
I hope you understand the basic concept of function, Still confused and having question in the mind.Feel free to ask.